
Ein Leben in zehn Photos on TV – Sendung

Ein Leben in zehn Photos on TV – Sendung

Photo credits: CBC Gem, SRF/Sava Hlavacek, ZDF and Manju Sawhney, Paramount, ZDF and Petro Domenigg, ZDF and Carolina Bank Ltd. and N, ARD Degeto/Mona Film/Atalante Fi, ZDF and © Studiocanal GmbH / Wal, rbb / Arnim Thomaß, MDR/Degeto/Sandor Domonkos, ARD Degeto/Hendrik Heiden, ZDF and Felix Pflieger, Shutterstock, Shutterstock / pick, phoenix/ZDF/BBC/Getty Images, phoenix/ZDF/BBC, IMAGO / Allstar, IMAGO / United Archives (3), ZDF/Markus Höhn, United Artist, RTL / Frank Fastner , Getty Images, editing:, ZDF/Mathias Neumann, Columbia Pictures, 20th Century Fox, Sony Music Entertainment GmbH, Warner Bros. Pictures, ZDF/Studio 100 Media, Universal Studios (2), STUDIOCANAL, Universal, Walt Disney, Constantin Film, Buena Vista International GmbH, IMAGO / Design Pics, ZDF, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (2 ), Alive Vertrieb und Marketing, 20th Century Fox / IMAGO / Cinema Publishers Collection / Universal Pictures / Montage, Verleih (5), Disney, RTL / © Disney/Joseph Lederer All rights reserved, ZDF/Studio 100 media, ARD, Imago (2), Studiocanal (2), IMAGO / Ronald Grant, Imago Images, WDR/DRA, IMAGO / EntertainmentPictures, Universal Pictures, IMAGO / APress/SWR /Kimmig/Kerstin Joensson (Editing), MDR/Progress, IMAGO / Everett Collection, Bild: WDR/DRA, Twentieh Century Fox / Sony Pictures / Central Film / Jugenfilm Verleih | Montage, Sender (2), Kool Filmdistribution, IMAGO / Cinema Publishers Collection, TNT,, Twentieth Century FOX, Senator Film, Universum Film

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