
NFL-Playoffs – Im Schneetreiben: Eagles and Bills complete the mid-final field – Sports

NFL-Playoffs – Im Schneetreiben: Eagles and Bills complete the mid-final field – Sports

NFL-Playoffs – Im Schneetreiben: Eagles and Bills complete the mid-final field – Sports – SRF

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The Eagles face the Rams in the “Divisional Round” at 28:22. The Bills call the Ravens at 27:25 minutes.

Saquon Barkley.

Passed with 205 rushing yards

Saquon Barkley.

Imago/Imagn Images

The Philadelphia Eagles are 2. Mal scored 3 years in the NFC Championship Game. Quarterback Jalen Hurts’ team faces the Los Angeles Rams in the Schneefall kickoff at 28:22.

For the final touchdown at 28:15, pick senior running back Saquon Barkley for 5 minutes to finish with a run of over 78 yards. Die Kalifornier kamen durch einen Touchdown ihrerseits zwar nochmals heran, musten sich am Ende aber geschlagen geben.

In the “championship game” between the Eagles in a week together with the extraordinary Washington Commanders, on Saturday with the Detroit Lions the best team in the conference of the regular season was eliminated.

Im Final der AFC-Conference kommt es derweil zum Duell between the Buffalo Bills and the Kansas City Chiefs. The Bills settle into their house in a closed party at 11:25 p.m. before the Baltimore Ravens. Mark Andrews spent 93 seconds of Schluss den Ausgleich für die Gäste aus Maryland, in addition to being a two-point conversion ausrutschte and the dropped ball.


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