
The Three Wise Monkeys – Jamaica Observer

The Three Wise Monkeys – Jamaica Observer

The three wise monkeys

Speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil

January 24, 2025

Dear editors,

“Informer Fi Dead” culture is on target. Despite the cries of protest and exaltation for people to say what they saw and heard, the informant is more likely to be brutally subdued than the violent assailants.

In fact, these “witnesses” will not be protected, and others involved in the scene will always have a story defending unjust aggressors. Thus, people, innately wise, support that silence. And they are right: “Informer if he is dead.” If you speak out against injustice, you will be punished and hurt.

This is not only found in the domain of the so-called visual ghettos, but also flourishes even in pulpits.

The witnesses risk their lives with noble and lofty ideas to change corruption, not so easy, my friend. It seems that nothing can be unrestrained and stuck. It is better not to dwell or relive in memory the evil acts. The brain just can’t take that PTSD. People move on. “Oh, that murder was a long time ago, last week.”

An autopilot “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.” The Three Wise Monkeys – Mizaru, Kikazaru, Iwazaru, in fact. In Jamaica we have a fourth: “Nuh tastes nuh bad.” Evil for many does not exist. It’s not even a nine-day talk. They are numb with indifference.

Life will continue whether you intervene or not. If he intervenes, he will be a dead lion, so it is much better to live, like a live dog, because “even a fool who remains silent is considered wise.” (Proverbs 17:28)

Ul hem

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