
Alectra Rothschild/Male takes a position against anti-trans violence

Alectra Rothschild/Male takes a position against anti-trans violence

The image can contain fashion for adults and the fashion track

Alectra Rothschild/ Male, Autumn 2025 ready to use

Photo: James Cochrane / CPHFW courtesy

The image can contain clothing clothing for adults shoe and formal clothing shoe

Birrot, autumn 2025 ready to use

Photo: James Cochrane / CPHFW courtesy

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Alectra Rothschild/ male

She is not going to take it. Having created a “introspective” trilogy, he shows that he documented “the lived experience of transercise from my perspective, but also that of many people in my life,” Alelectra Rothschild is looking out. Reviewing the statistics of violence against transgender people caused a feeling of “fem -rage” and the creation of this collection, the last low support of Newtalent, called Give the Girl a Gun. The show opened with a fragment of Donald-Two-Sexes-Trump’s first day speech on transgender rights. The subject could not be more serious or pressing, but among the dark there were flashes of literal and symbolic light. Lucy Liu’s Kill Bill The character, O-Ren Ishii, was a reference. “I am imagining the entire cast as murderers in this way empowered,” Rothschild said. The collection showed a clear evolution of the designer’s talent, showing not only draped and cutting but also more tailoring. A “Assassin” trench, cut on the back, had high beak shoulders, the power silhouette of the collection. Look Five, a silver showgirl Spangled who went wrong, transmitted a feeling of beauty and pathos.

“I want to say this really, very correctly, because people are already afraid of trans people, but they don’t fear trans people because they are afraid of their own security, they are afraid of transerca because we are monsters to people,” Rothschild said. Equal homes, so that’s why I want to do this. I think that with the last show, I wanted to put all the cast on a pedestal so that people look at us instead of looking down, and for this program, I need you to really be scared in a different way to you. They are already, of a kind of not peeling with a kind of way. “
