
Suffragette’s great -grandstand attacks protest sentences before appeal offers

Suffragette’s great -grandstand attacks protest sentences before appeal offers

The great -grandGETTE of the Leader Sufregette Emmeline Pankhurst has said that the sentences granted to several climatic protesters are “heavy and disproportionate” before the challenges of the Court of the Court of Appeals against its terms of jail.

Sixteen activists who received prison terms between five years and 15 months for their participation in four climatic protests will try to appeal against the duration of their sentences at a joint audience that will begin on Wednesday.

The Friends of the Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace UK environmental groups have been able to intervene in the case of five protesters, and the enemy states that the sentences were of “unprecedented duration related to the peaceful protest.”

The challenges will be heard in the London Court of Appeals for two days.

Adding their support to the appeal offers, activist Helen Pankhurst said: “The suffragists are admired because they fought with nails and teeth and refused to be silenced and renounce their cause, the universal suffrage now given by sitting in all democracies.

“Today’s environmental activists are in the same tradition. Without a doubt, future generations around the world will thank you for their campaigns.

“The hard and disproportionate custody sentences given in the United Kingdom to peaceful environmental activists who tell the power to power is worrying at the extreme.

“A repeal is the only right result here.”

FOE and Greenpeace UK will intervene in the appeal offers of five protesters, referred to by FOE as the “Entero Truth Five”, which were imprisoned in July last year to accept to alter traffic by making the protesters go up to the porches on the M25 for four successive days in November 2022.

Roger Hallam, co -founder of the environmental campaign groups, only stops the oil and extinction rebellion, was sentenced to five years in prison, while Daniel Shaw, Louise Lancaster, Lucia Whittaker of Abreu and Cressid jail.

Roger Hallam is one of the protesters who seek to appeal against their sentence (Jordan Pettitt/PA)Roger Hallam is one of the protesters who seek to appeal against their sentence (Jordan Pettitt/PA)

Roger Hallam is one of the protesters who seek to appeal against their sentence (Jordan Pettitt/PA)

Foe and Greenpeace UK said that their presentations that support the five “would also help those involved in the other linked appeals.”

George Simonson, Theresa Higginson, Paul Bell, Gaie Deap and Paul Sousek were imprisoned for their participation in M25, during which they got on porches on the highway.

Simonson and Higginson were imprisoned for two years, Bell for 22 months and Delap and Sousek for 20 months last August.

Larc Maxey, Chris Bennett, Samuel Johnson and Joe Howlett received prison terms between three years and 15 months, after occupying tunnels dug under the road that lead to the navigating oil terminal in Thurrock, Essex.

Phoebe Plummer and Anna Holland were imprisoned in September 2024 after almost “destroying” the GOGH GOGH sunflowers throwing soup on their protective vessel in the National Gallery of London.

Plummer was sentenced to two years after bars and Holland 20 months.

Foe said his lawyers would argue that the sentences were “excessive” and violated human rights legislation, claiming that they represented a “serious threat to our democracy.”

Kauwe’s Katie, FOE’s main lawyer, said: “Instead of further loading our prison system over Offer fair and righteous and significant action on the environment.

“The growing discontent is purely a symptom of frustration that feels for the lack of leadership and progress in one of the greatest challenges of our time.

“Silence those who strive for a better world will not make these increased crises disappear, doing so only serves to quell our democracy.”

Areeba Hamid, executive director of Greenpeace UK, said: “These long prayers for the peaceful protest make it difficult to see Modern Britain as the type of mature and tolerant culture that our parents and grandparents enjoyed.

“Hopefully the colder heads realize that we could be throwing some value to all in order to avenge an inconvenience.”