
Panic as ‘Doctors of masked travelers’ descend in Little UK Village | United Kingdom | News

Panic as ‘Doctors of masked travelers’ descend in Little UK Village | United Kingdom | News

The Hertfordshire Police shares an unmanned video of alleged hare courses

Police are hunting a group of 30 hare runners dressed in Balaclava who terrified the villagers and firefighters after driving their 4x4s through cultivation lands.

The group torn the fields, the terrified premises, damaged two fire trucks and stole fuel from a service station in Fenland, Cambridgeshire.

The villages of Manea, Wimblington, Welney, Chatteris, Fordham, Ely, Prickwillow and Littleport were beaten.

The video that circulated on social networks showed the cursors of hares that accelerate out of the road through fields and screams.

Two fire trucks suffered damage to what has been described as a series of “frightening” and “shocking” crime on Saturday (January 25) when the group found a fire fighting training exercise.

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Police are looking for a group of liebres courses dressed in Balaclava that terrify the villagers (Image: the Hertfordshire Police / SWNS / Counselor Charlie Marks)

Several men terrified the premises in Cambridgeshire

Images of several men with whom the Hertfordshire police are looking to speak (Image: Police / Swns of Hertfordshire)

More than 200 of fuel, food and drink were stolen from the Sfrom Isco service station in Wimblington.

Cambridgeshire police said the scale of the incident of Liebres courses was “unprecedented.”

The public meeting held in Manea on Monday was convened by the conservative deputy of the Northeast of Cambridgeshire Steve Barclay, who previously occupied several cabinet positions, and Manea Cllr Charlie Marks.

The meeting, which was attended by 300 people, heard how the convoy of 30 cars transported dozens of men dressed in Balaclava crossed fields and broke crops.

The farmer of Manea, Robert Sears, said he had never seen anarchy like this and had 25 4×4 driving along his narrow farm track outside his home.

Mr. Sears had tried to face them, but said that his “belligerence” had turned out that his car was rammed and that another damage was caused.

He said: “It is not the damage to our property, it is the rape suffered.”

The police response in Manea, Cambs, after Hare Courser's incident

Cambridgeshire police said the scale of the incident of Liebres courses was “unprecedented.” (Image: Councilor Charlie Marks / Swns)

Sears made 999 calls only to be told that the police would attend within 3-4 hours. He added: “That was Saturday morning, I’m still waiting, that’s not good enough.”

The farmer Matthew was forced to barriche to his family at home after 70 men dressed in Balaclava and 30 vehicles took over his farm.

His family suffered more than three and a half hours of chaos on earth around his house while making numerous calls to the police.

He said: “We had at least 70 people literally assume our farm from 1.30 pm to 4 pm

“I called the police three times, I gave the What3words coordinates of exactly where they were, but we had no response, absolutely zero. My seven -year -old daughter cried and was completely terrified.

“My question is how bad it has to be? They had cut every door, moved each concrete block.

“They have left us four abandoned vehicles, two have been burned, one is stuck, but despite all this, we have still made a police officer accompany us.”

Leo Butler, from Chatteris, said: “What I would like to know is where the police were: there were no helicopters, or police cars, or a police officer, nothing.

“If the police will not face these people that someone has.”

Cllr Marks, who witnessed part of the chaos in Manea, said that “today we could have mourning a member of our village.”

Marks said a man had an ax mango and said: “You can only imagine what that meant if someone got in their way.”

Police chief Nick Dean said that “there was no excuse” due to the lack of response and that a regional level investigation is being launched to investigate what went wrong.

Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Commissioner talking to the Localistas Full Hall (Image: Fenland Citizen / SWNS)

He added that he had gone with his “instinct” about the allocation of additional resources and his comment that “I might be wrong in retrospect,” he laughs at the lounge full of people.

Barclay said he was happy to listen to the police chief to recognize police errors and a promise that there would be an investigation at the regional level.

The superintendent of the local police commander, Ben Martin, said: “We understand the damage, concern and fear that these incidents have brought our rural communities and regret that we could not do more to stop the activities of these people at that time.

“The information we had before this meeting had very limited details, so a dispersion order of all force was established.

“However, due to the scale of the incident and the multiple locations where crimes were carried out, as well as a significantly demanding weekend elsewhere in the county, it meant that we did not have the resources available to deal with each report we received from the members of the public. “