
The spooky recording of the Beluga whale imitating human discourse is leaving people absolutely terrified – News

The spooky recording of the Beluga whale imitating human discourse is leaving people absolutely terrified – News

Animals can do incredible things, but people have unlocked a new fear after hearing a whale attempt to imitate human discourse.

Most humans accept that we cannot speak animals In the same way we are talking.

But there are some animals, such as parrots, which can imitate our speech quite well, even learning some phrases and prayers.

So, you can only imagine the fear and shock that were established when people heard a Beluga whale that apparently imitated human discourse, under water no less.

The video, since 2012, has begun to make rounds in social networks Again, with people admitting that they are more terrified than fun.

The news reporters who commented on the brief clip affirmed that the whale looks pretty and friendly. However, online consensus is the opposite.

Look here:

Write about YouTubeA person commented: “He raises the terrifying image of Beluga whales, basically, he says” I will consume your soul. “

“The female reporter:” She looks a bit friendly. “

Another added: “The miniature literally made my soul jump from his body for a second.”

A third wrote: “I laughed so strong when she said ‘she looks a little friendly’ just when that terrifying image emerged.”

A person tried to explain the strange phenomenon, writing: “It makes sense if you think about how Beluga only imitates what he can hear.

Yes ... I don't want to hear that this will speak as a person (ABC News)

Yes … I don’t want to hear that this will speak as a person (ABC News)

“The only times that human discourse would be audible to him is probably when someone is in his enclosure, underwater and with diving equipment in his mouth. If you’ve ever swimmed and tried to speak, it sounds exactly like that. “

If you thought this was just a random event, I’m afraid you would be wrong …

Earl this year, a 2018 orca recording Imitating human discourse also made the rounds.

The recording of the Asesina whale was part of a study published in the magazine Royal Society Acts: Biological Scienceswho saw experts from Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom and Chile documenting how they discovered that Orcas could imitate human language.

Wikie La Ballena managed to imitate a series of human sounds (Abramson et. Al/Cbs News)

Wikie La Ballena managed to imitate a series of human sounds (Abramson et. Al/Cbs News)

Explaining the research behind this wild discovery, the professor in the evolutionary origins of the mind at the University of St Andrews and co -author of the study Josep Call spoke with CBSN.

He said: “He tells us that they are flexible vocal students and that their flexibility is not only in their vocal domain but also in their motor domain.

“They can also copy body movements, we knew from before, but now we know that they can also copy sounds and sounds that are not in their natural repertoire.”