
The former teammate has the “Lack territory”, Vladimir Guerrero Jr. wants to stay with Toron

The former teammate has the “Lack territory”, Vladimir Guerrero Jr. wants to stay with Toron

The former Blue Jays gardener of the Toronto, Tesocar Hernández, among those who are surprised that Vladimir Guerrero Jr. has not signed a contract extension with the organization.

Hernández made his comments on Thursday on the “TV TV TV Territory” program:

“Hopefully, they can make it work because it wants to stay.”

Teoscar Hernández is surprised that the tiles and Vladimir Guerrero Jr. have not resolved an extension.

Hernández also said that Guerrero is durable and that it should be another point in his favor when it comes to receiving an extension. He added that sometimes players will be offended if they can see that a team is not trying to sign them again, although he had no first -hand knowledge that this was the case of Guerrero. It should be encouraging who says Guerrero wants to stay.

Guerrero, 25, is one of the best batters in all baseball. It comes from a year in which he hit .323 with 30 homers and 103 ranged races. He made the star game for the fourth time and ended sixth in the MVP vote of the American League.

He said he is willing to sign with the tiles, but that he is not willing to negotiate beyond the first day of spring training, which is just under three weeks for position players.

As for Hernández, he didn’t have an extension with Toronto either. He Blue Jays He exchanged it to the Seattle sailors in 2022 and signed with the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2023. He helped the World Series win last year and came up again three years this year.

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