
Masked time Yobs in 4×4 rotation fields after the city terrified by the group scratching gardens and prisoning cars in flames

Masked time Yobs in 4×4 rotation fields after the city terrified by the group scratching gardens and prisoning cars in flames

This is the shocking moment masked Yobs in 4×4 Schult Up CisED after a town was terrified by a group that torn gardens and set the vehicles fire.

The cars crossed pastures on the outskirts of Manea, CambridgeshireIn the video filmed by the passenger of a vehicle.

Cars that lead along a muddy road.


The shocking images showed a 4×4 series that are stretched through fields near Manea, CambridgeshireCredit: Media BAV
Truck stuck in the mud.


The vehicles were seen running through the farmland, kicking land and leaving numerous pneumatic tracksCredit: Media BAV
Several muddy SUVs that lead on a dirt road.


The video ends with the Yobs group that gather with more confused vehicles.Credit: Media BAV

The images show the convoy of innumerable confused vehicles that run through the fields while shouting each other through open windows.

Expensive Mercedes SUV, Jeepsand Nissans They were between the 4×4 that were shown producing crops and damaging the fields.

You can see a passenger raising the arm of one of the races engines As the deafening sound of the air goes through the car is collected in the recording.

Around half of the clip when the drivers You can see a great turn on a local road, the reach of damage to the fields becomes clear.

Tire tracks can be overlapping in the cultivation landsWith mud scattered on the roads covered with the grass of the road and the vehicles themselves.

The Balaclava use group maintained its hidden identities while running, causing chaos in the Pacific field about 20 miles north of Cambridge.

After competing with each other to put in front, the Yobs group found almost a dozen dirtier vehicles at the end of the video.

The engines that accelerate, the engines begin to travel together as a group as the footage is cut.

Comes after the “travelers” were accused of terrorizing a city Only five miles from Manea tear gardens, fire the cars and attack the stores.

Around 300 people attended a public meeting on Monday night to complain about police inaction after they left them “terrified” for a weekend of “shocking” Criminal activitywhich also saw the group of men allegedly threaten firefighters.

It is said that a convoy of up to 30 cars that transport dozens of men, one with a pick ax mango, broke into the Cambridgeshire Fens on Saturday.

They allegedly scratched the fields of the farmers, ruining the crops, accelerated the peoples and intimidated the locals, which were “traumatized.”

The men also damaged fire trucks and attacked firefighters, who participated in a training exercise in Chatteris, with the Cambridgeshire police “ignoring” the 999 calls.

Farmers and residents gave heartbreaking stories at the meeting at Manea British Legion Club, which was called by the deputy Steve Barclay and the councilor of Manea Charlie Marks.

He attended the police chief of Cambridgeshire, Nick Dean, who listened to dozens of residents, who said they had been unprotected despite making 999 calls for help.

‘Someone has to face these people’

A resident told the police that they needed to improve their response in the future, warning: “You are wrong and you will have another Tony Martin in your hands.”

Martin was a farmer NorfolkEngland, who shot a thief dead at home in August 1999.

The farmer Matthew ultimate, of Sutton Gault, Chatteris, said he was forced to barricat herself and her young people family At home, after more than 70 masked men made their way through the doors and moved concrete blocks to access their land.

He said they suffered three and a half hours of chaos on the ground around their home while making numerous calls to the police.

He added: “We had at least 70 people literally assume our farm from 1.30 pm to 4 pm there were 13 4x4s.

“I called the police three times, I gave him the What3words Coordinates of exactly where they were, but we had no response, absolutely zero.

“My seven -year -old daughter was crying and was completely terrified.”

A large multitude of people in a public meeting.


Matthew then said that he was forced to barricat herself and her young family at home after more than 70 masked men took care of “their farmCredit: Swns
A large group of people attending a public meeting.


Around 300 people attended a public meeting on Monday night to complain about police inactionCredit: Media BAV

Another woman said she called 999 as the gasoline Witcham Toll’s station was being stolen, but they told him to call 101 again, since it was not an emergency.

Leo Butler, from Chatteris, said he had never seen anything like that and added: “What I would like to know is where the police was: there were no helicopters, or police cars, or a police officer, nothing.

“Yes police He will not face these people that someone has. “

Robert Sears, a former Conservative The councilor added “I have not seen anarchy as it is anywhere in the world” after he faced 25 4×4 muddy who leads to him.

Councilor Marks, who witnessed part of the crime in Manea, said it was pure luck that no one had been murdered or seriously injured.

“We could have been mourning a member of our village today,” he said.

The activity without law began in Wimblington, then the cars approached the Fens, with vehicles that mounted pavements and accelerated more than double the limit in 30 mph areas.

Police chief Dean told the meeting that he had gone with his “instinct” about the allocation of additional resources and commented that “he might be wrong in retrospect.”

A Cambridgeshire police spokesman said: “We are asking for information, Dashcam or CCTV images after a series of Hare Coursing incidents, yesterday causing damage to thousands of pounds to crops and put lives at risk with dangerous driving.

“Up to 25 vehicles were seen, some in convoy, in several parts of the county, included Fordham, Ely, Prickwillow, Littleport, Welney, Chatteris, Manea, Wimbington and Doddington.

“We understand the impact that this has had on the community and we are investigating.”

Aerial images of several men about two cars in a field, the Hertfordshire police are looking to talk to them.


The Hertfordshire police are looking to talk to several men after the incidents, in the photo hereCredit: Swns
Fango silver SUV in a ditch.


One of the cars involved in the weekend incident without law was left in a ditchCredit: Media BAV
Police that configures a car in a field.


Another was towed near March in CambridgeshireCredit: Media BAV

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