
The lawyers address the motions prior to the trial at the hearing

The lawyers address the motions prior to the trial at the hearing


A motion hearing on Friday focused on his own in themselves, prosecutors should receive the notes of a journalist from an interview with Read.

The lawyers address the motions prior to the trial at the hearing

Karen Read, center on the right, is at the defense table during his judgment at Norfolk Super Court in Didham. Kayla Bartkowski/The Boston Globe, Archive

Karen LeeThe case back to court for a hearing on several matters, including a Boston The notes outside the journalist of the magazine of an interview with Read and the testimony of a defense expert about the very discussed search “hos long to die in cold”.

Judge Beverly Cannone previously granted The application for prosecutors for recordings, notes and correspondence of the Read interviews with the reporter Gretchen Voss, who published a Article of 2023 deepening in the case of high profile murder.

Earlier this month, however, Voss presented a motion asking Cannone to reconsider part of the order that demanded that you give the notes of a conversation outside the record with Read. In his movement, Voss argued that the December Order of Cannone was too wide and dealt with handwritten notes as the Voss record material.

“The fact that Read SAT for an interview outside the record with a reporter does not automatically authorize the court to order the (unknown) content of that interview,” says the motion. “On the contrary, the courts have warned the efforts to make journalists the government’s discovery agents.”

Voss also presented an affidavit that accompanies and expressed concern that revealing his confidential notes would damage his credibility and reputation as a journalist. She doubted if the content of the notes would be some value for prosecutors.

“The bets for Gretchen Voss are considerable,” said Robert Bertsche, Voss’s lawyer and the magazine, Cannone Friday. “Its effectiveness as a research reporter depends on it having the ability to use the tools to reliably ensure their sources that certain information that they provide to journalists will be out of registration.”

Reading, 44 years, is accused of intentionally supporting his SUV in his boyfriend, Boston Police officer John O’Keefe, while leaving him at a house party in Canton on January 29, 2022. Prosecutors claim drunk after a bar night jumping and left O’Keefe to die in a snowstorm.

However, Read lawyers say it was framed in a cover -up of the law, which suggests that O’Kefe entered the party and was hit severely, attacked by the owner’s dog and thrown into the snow.

The defense expert made claims ‘forensic little solid’, says the prosecutor

Part of the defense team theory is based on the search for Google by Jennifer Jennifer McCabe for “Hos longing to die cold. “McCabe said he was searching for the insistence of Read after she and Read found O’Kefe’s body in the snow shortly after 6 in the morning of January 29, 2022. However, the digital expert of Defense Richard Green testified the search hours before, at 2:27 I am

Read will be judged again in April after a last null trial, and prosecutors have asked Cannone to come from Green from Making similar statements During the second trial. You move away that Green’s claims lack probative support, citing the rival testimony of two processing experts who said that the time mark of the 2:27 AM actually indicates when McCabe opened for the first time the browser tab.

Addressing the court on Friday, the special prosecutor Hank Brennan criticized Green’s methodology and said that the defense is trying to have Green “in front of the jury, making these comments Salaces and then letting the government demolish it.”

He continued: “That could be a common approach, reviewing the transcripts of this case, but the Commonwealth does not intend to simply let the evidence that is not qualified, which is not in fact solid, and then go to the houses of glass”.

Accusing Green of making “scientific and forensic statements”, Brennan requested an audience to determine the admissibility of Green’s testimony. He pointed out that the first to respond previously testified that the reading was Ask questions about hypothermia Almost at the same time, McCabe said he did his search for “Hos Long.”

“It’s hard to think that this has just passed through chance,” Brennan added.

Green, he claimed, “is really just a container or an attempt to be guilty defense of third parties of the defense.”

However, defense lawyer Robert Alessi argued that Green is “eminently qualified” to testify as an expert in the case. Green, he said, “had a more covered and integral review” than the witnesses of the Prosecutor’s Office.

Alessi urged Cannone to deny the request of prosecutors, arguing that his motion was reduced to concerns about Green’s opinion, not his methodology.

Cannone said he would look more closely at the arguments of the prosecutors and decide for Monday if to schedule a hearing to determine whether to allow Green to offer testimony of experts.

The lawyers discuss the witnesses of Arcca, a motion to dismiss

Separately, prosecutors also seek support documentation for two accident reconstructionists that testified by defense In the first Read test. Prosecutors have suggested that Read lawyers may not be able to fulfill their discovery obligations prior to the trial for Daniel Wolfe and Andrew Rentschler of Arcca Inc. due to the “history and complexity” of Arcca’s participation in the case.

The United States Prosecutor’s Office previously launched a federal probe In the case of Read and turned around Thousands of record pages To the lawyers on both sides. However, the details of federal investigation remain involved in mystery through a court order. In June, Wolfe told Cannone The Department of Justice and FBI He took advantage of Arcca to look at O’Kefe’s death.

The lawyers did not discuss the motion regarding Arcca experts on Friday, and Cannone challenged both parties to make a brainstorm about some ways of addressing discovery concerns without violating the confidentiality of federal research.

Later at the hearing, Brennan said that the prosecutors’ discovery process must be completed before Wednesday.

Cannone did not listen to a motion from Read lawyers so that the State reimbursed the defense of an expert who traveled to the Canton Police Department to analyze the surveillance images of January 29, 2022, only to discover that the officials allegedly They had preserved the original. Archives.

Read lawyers have indicated that they intend to present a motion to dismiss the case in relation to the alleged incident. The reimbursement request and the potential motion to dismiss will be argued at a later date.

The Read case must be returned to court on February 6.

First part of the audience:

Part two of the audience:

Livestream through NBC 10 Wjar.


Abby Patkin is a general assignment news reporter whose work touches public transport, crime, health and everything else.