
Keir Starmer is terrified by Brexit for a pathetic reason | Politics | News

Keir Starmer is terrified by Brexit for a pathetic reason | Politics | News

If I had to vote again Brexit, I would do it ten times, with your knobs! Five years have passed since we escaped from the EU’s shackles and I remember dancing in the streets on January 3, 2020, when it was decreed that we were finally free.

Because for me Brexit It was never about commerce, which would not want free trade between a group of nearby European countries. For me and for millions of others, it was not to want to be part of an unded the State that I did not know anything about Great Britain or how it works yet that I thought it was entitled to dictate our laws and tell us how we should live.

BrexitFor me, it was sovereignty, about who decides what happens to us. I wanted it to be a government elected here, not a group of inexplicable bureaucrats, not chosen and faceless in Brussels. And I did not want to be part of an undertaking state that was corrupt and away from the people he ruled.

Do you remember Barnier, Juncker and Co, always sneak from Great Britain? Do you remember how they tried to destroy us when we had the audacity to say that we wanted to leave?

Yes, we still have to listen to the remaining hysterics here that even five years cannot accept what was a democratic vote and always shout that Brexit It was “the biggest act of self -linges.”

Sorry, but I have looked at these fans to Europe recently and have seen what is happening there: immigration out of control, elected right -wing governments, which are chosen to the walls to stop immigrants flooding economies in the toilet.

Remember during COVID-19 Thousands died in EU countries that do not need to have done it because the block could not have the vaccine in their hands? But Boris and the United Kingdom on their own did and that launch saved innumerable lives. And we could not have made that deployment happen if we had yet been part of the EU.

Now our government is directed by the rest in Chief Keir Starmer who wants to return to us, for any other reason, I suspect that he could blame the block of things that go wrong here.

Britain is an independent country terrifies Starmer because he knows that the dollar stops with him, and cannot blame EU bureaucrats without a face when he puts himself in hen, which is currently doing alarmingly regularly.

It is true, we have not properly capitalized on Brexit the way we should have done, especially because the country was practically closed for two years due to COVID-19. But we have dozens of new commercial agreements and new defense associations and thousands of EU laws, although they have not been close enough, they have been abandoned.

But five years later, we are still lackeys for CEDH that will not allow us to deport foreign criminals and asylum scammers. We also have a Attorney General Shifty, Richard Hermer, who says he will never challenge an CEDR decision.

Leaving the ECHR is vital not only for national security, but because the latest predictions are that five million more people will come here before 2032. Then, if you cannot get a house or an appointment at the hospital now, you will not have not Have a chance in five years.

The problems we have now as a country now cannot be reduced Brexit. They are reduced to outside immigration, a useless public sector, net madness zero and nine million people who do not work. We have lunatic tax levels that are suffocating growth, tens of thousands of job losses, companies that fall apart thanks to the paralyzing taxes of Ni, a chancellor who has no idea what he is doing and a prime minister whose gelatin gelatin where your spine should be.

None of that is due to Brexit!

But it still feels good to be out of the EU and not have to do Brussels. We only need a government that has the guts to paste two fingers in the ELDH and do Brexit Work, then we will be the independent nation for which the British people voted.

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Have there ever there has been something more delicious than to see Viscoso Peter Mandelson fulfill his credibility and any integrity that Donald Trump has this week to nail plum work as British ambassador to Washington? This gift toad brought brown at a completely new level and to the point where I really felt nausea.

“I think President Trump could become one of the most consistent US presidents that I have met in my adult life,” he enslaved. “I consider my comments about him as poorly judged and bad. I think he has won a new respect, he certainly has it from me. “

Pass the sick bag, Alice!

Let’s not forget that it was Mandelson who once said that Trump was a danger to the world and “little less than a white and racist nationalist.” And just what Mandelson has sacrificed his credibility for (anyone who does not believe he still hates Trump is crazy).

It is to live in the mansion of the Big Flash ambassador to Washington, who just had a renewal of several million pounds where he will be stated, fetid and treated as if he were someone.

What the hell was Starmer, the man without judgment, thinking that designating a slippery, Lickspittle as Mandelson who, as we speak, has been sent to the FBI for his links with China? He was an advisor to the Chinese Investment Bank Cicc and who twice had to give up the government here for unreliable deals.

He will apologize for his close friendship with the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and was photographed on the yacht of a Russian oligarch.

This creep is all Trump hates, but the most important thing is that he will do nothing to promote the interests of Great Britain in the United States, only his!

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Singer Ellie Goulding says she began a relationship with Zac Goldsmith after they joined for a shared interest in climate change.

It is not surprising that this relationship is now dead in the water. Conversations about the melting of ice caps, the increase in sea level, ecological boilers versus imminent gases and the cost of solar panels? God, you won’t want to have a drink with any of them!


Donald Trump is being criticized for forgiving the violent and freed criminals who were imprisoned after the riots of January 6 in Capitol Hill in 2021.

Now, what kind of government would give the early release to violent violent criminals who do not deserve it? Oh, wait … ours!


Then, when Good Morning, the presenter of Great Britain, Ranvir Singh, reported on the Holocaust Day, referred to “six million people” that are exterminated in the Nazi extermination fields.

Surely the word I was looking for it to be “Jews”? There were six million Jews who were killed. Does Mrs. Singh have any problem to say the Jewish word? Do you have any problem with the Jews in general?

His obvious omission insulted the Jews throughout Great Britain, so if he did deliberately he should be fired. If he did it accidentally, he should be ashamed!


Some might think that David Beckham looks sexy here. But all I can see is an obsessive that is addicted to disfiguring your body certainly beautiful with dark tattoos.

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City cityKyle Walker, more famous for her loved love life than her football, says she is going to AC Milan for a new challenge. There is only one question: what’s the name of?


TO BBC This week’s head shouted: “Vomiting 66 million fish that is in Denmark.”

It makes you ask you why we are all forking £ 169.50 a year for a TV license.


I realize that I am going to get a Brotherhood Tanizo for this, but it is correct that strictly Wynne Evans‘The race is now in the bathroom thanks to a lascivious comment he made about the dancer Janette Manrara? Yes, what he said was horrible, rude and stupid, and if he had heard it say, he would have told him to close his mouth.

But therefore, he has now been abandoned from the tour strictly and his BBC The radio program in Wales, and its contract of £ 1 million a year with Go compare is in danger even though it apologizes profusely

His strictly colleagues, Shirley Ballas (who says he is the friendliest man he has met) and Katya, his dance partner in the last series, are totally supportive, despite the fact that some writers would make believe that these women of strong mind They are just doing it because there are sinister code of silence in Strictly.

Sorry, but anyone who thinks that bosses could strictly make Shirley say something I didn’t want to say, he hasn’t known her. Could it be that these women think that Evans is a decent guy and that there is more for him than that stupid and offensive comment that made it surely not justification for the end of their career?


The Eco Zealot Ed Miliband, who has always been a fervent critic of a third fugitive in Heathrow, has become inexplicably silent this week after Rachel of the accounts gave him the approval.

Surely its principles and belief (but lunatic) that consume everything in Net Zero should be more important than its seat at the cabinet table? Or maybe it has been told that it will never happen and only to keep Schtum.