
The man convicted of murder in drug treatment went wrong

The man convicted of murder in drug treatment went wrong

San Antonio – A man accused of steal and fatally shoot a 20 -year -old man In 2023 he was convicted on Friday.

A jury from Bexar County found Jayveon Johnson guilty of aggravated murder and robbery in relation to the death of David Allen Rezentes. The punishment phase for Johnson began on Friday, and the jury will deliberate his sentence on Monday.

Johnson could face life imprisonment.


Police said that on March 25, 2023, Rezentes was attracted to a drug agreement, but instead was ambushed and killed. It was found dead in the corner of El Paso and Elvira streets on the west side.

The authorities arrested Johnson and his Coacusados, Mariah Cabrera and Jonathan Garza, five months later. Months later, Angel Salas was also arrested and accused in the case.

During Johnson’s trial, prosecutors told the jury that Johnson supposedly ordered Cabrera to shoot rezents.

During the opening statements, prosecutors said Johnson and several others planned to steal a man named Richard Díaz, who intended to sell them drugs. However, when Díaz arrived with rezents, they were ambushed.

“They ran to the car with weapons and demanded properties of Díaz and rezentes,” said Jennifer McDaniel prosecutor in court. “This man told Mariah Cabrera to shoot, and when he did, he hit rezents in the chest.”

The vigilance chamber of a church captured the shooting. Prosecutors also said that Johnson confessed to being present at the scene and instructed Cabrera to shoot the gun.

Defensor lawyer Daniel de la Garza urged jurors to consider all the evidence, arguing that the case arose from a “drug agreement out.”

“The plaintiff was a drug trafficker, his friend was a drug trafficker,” De la Garza said. “Keep a mind open to the role each person played.”

Cabrera accepted a guilt agreement in December and was sentenced to 35 years in prison. The other two coacked are still waiting for the trial.

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