
Great crowd in southern Omaha protests against Trump’s administration policies

Great crowd in southern Omaha protests against Trump’s administration policies

Omaha, Neb. (WOWT) – The resonated sounds of protesters in southern Omaha, since many demonstrated solidarity with the immigrant community.

People renounced the flags and signs that oppose the recent ice raids and Trump’s immigration and Dei policies.

“Everyone has the right to be here,” said Rachel Parker, a protester. “Everyone has a role in our community.”

“Regardless of the color of his skin, we are all equal in our eyes,” said Brittany Saunsoci, a protester.

As the protest developed, drivers passed through the crowded intersection of the horn in support. The protesters also began to cross the streets making sure that their frustrations were heard.

They carried signs that said “hate will not make us great.”

“I think it is important that we defend our family, friends and people we know and the community in which we live against all injustices,” said Joseph Castellanos, a protester.

And, some signs read “don’t bite your hands that feed you.”

“Immigrants is what makes the United States,” said Nancy Martinez-Silva, a protester. “I feel that many people are hateful and there is a lot of hate in the United States.”

Other signals say immigrants are workers and make the United States great. Some even led hours just to be a voice for their parents.

“Although I was born here, I still want to help my parents support their background,” said Valeria Abundis, a protester.

This is what is feeding the protest.

“My parents came here as immigrants and came here to give us a better future,” said Martínez-Silva.

Similar protests occurred on Sunday in Los Angeles. Associated Press reports that protesters blocked an important highway for several hours.