
The murder suspect flees after a high -speed persecution from Atlanta to Fayette County

The murder suspect flees after a high -speed persecution from Atlanta to Fayette County

The authorities are looking for an armed and dangerous fugitive searched for murder in Atlanta after leading the police in a high -speed persecution on Friday night.

What we know:

According to the Clayton County Sheriff’s officeGeorgia State Patrol Troopers tried to stop Vincent Steele, but fled Clayton County. At that time, the agents of the Clayton County Sheriff’s office tried to stop Steele on highway 54, but continued, reaching speeds of up to 100 mph.

The persecution ended when Steele crashed his car at the intersection of Banks and Fayetteville Roads. After the accident, which injured a person, he escaped.

What you can do:

Police warn that Steele is considered armed and dangerous. Anyone who sees him not to approach 911 is established immediately.

In addition, the Sheriff’s office would like to remind the public that anyone who catches to help or house Steele will be responsible.

Fayotte Countyclayton CountyatlantaCrim and public safetynews