
BBL: Liquid ‘dangerous’ Brazilian rear liquids by celebrity injector Ricky Sawyer exposed

BBL: Liquid ‘dangerous’ Brazilian rear liquids by celebrity injector Ricky Sawyer exposed

Ricky Sawyer, Feem Undercover for the emerging clinic of IM Small Pop-Up in the London office, and feel next to the metal car while using green uniform.
Wetin we call photo, Ricky Sawyer describes Imelf as “the largest Brazilian rear lifting injector in Great Britain”

  • Author, Shona Elliott and Ruth Clegg
  • Role, BBC news research

A list of wey celebrities customers “Beauty Consultant”, from Wey, includes Katie Price, offers potentially dangerous cosmetic procedures to customer OVA medication and illegally: a BBC investigation does not discover.

Ricky Sawyer Dey specializes in Liquid Brazilian bumper lifts (BBLS): it implies injecting a dermal filling in di bum bum to lift the DEM and make the DEM look larger.

BBC News Don Tok to five of IM clients need emergency hospital treatment AFA DIA. We also show di testimonies of more women from Dan 30 Wey Tok say he lives with serious complications such as sepsis and necrosis (tissue death).

A woman tells us that she feels that she is rather “dying” to make her Kontinu with pain, she feels after treatment.

Several local authorities do not offer Oga Sawyer to practice for day areas.

Our covert filming captures Sawyer as Edy among antibiotics without a valid recipe: criminal offense. It was not described to prescribe and Di Pills does not obtain label for a specific patient.

It also offers increasing doses of local anesthesia with any present prescriber, again illegal, and not request the weight of our reporter, which puts it at risk of overdose.

Making a potential client and her friend, we reserve a 45 -minute appointment with Mr. Sawyer through the IM Instagram page. We tell you that we want 200 ml (7fl oz) of liquid injection bbl wey costs £ 1,200. We pay for £ 200.

Despite saying, advertising, say, demo reality all di Liquid bbls under the guidance of an “ultrasound specialist”, none present for the emerging clinic of IM. Working for a small room in the east of London offices: a non -clinical environment is to increase the risk of infection.

In five minutes from the office, Oga Sawyer Don begins to encourage our Tori Pens to play on the increase in the amount of filling. “He is surprising about how much product he gets and still seems natural,” says E.

At the end of the appointment, Sawyer Don offers to inject a liter of filling: 500 ml (almost a pint) by tramp – Wey Go cost £ 2,000.

We do not do it and then we return to put our accusations to Sawyer, but and our Kwesions are denied and closed the door of our reporter.

When reviewing our images, the plastic surgeon Dalvi Humzah, Wey Siddon, in the Joint Committee of Cosmetics Practices, say that Sawyer Dey’s “shocking”, “very dangerous” actions, and put patients in a great risk of infection of infection and potentially mortal complications.

“Put volume, for a single sitting, really dangerous,” Oga Humzah Tok. “Di nalgas of such a large area become infected to affect the body and the end of adjustment in sepsis, or even make Di Pesina die.”

Dalvi Humzah in his white clinical treatment room, holding a syringe and with a plastic apron and rubber gloves. In the background, a sink, container Sharps and disinfectant dispensers, the type of hygienic resources that are standard in a clinical environment.
Wetin we call photo, The plastic surgeon Dalvi Humzah Tok says that Sawyer Dey’s actions “very dangerous”

Di Filler Dey Use for Liquid BBL obtains hyaluronic acid, with common use in facial filling treatments.

The large amounts of acid involve in BBLS, and are at risk of a severe side effect, such as blood clots and sepsis, consider that I am one of the most dangerous cosmetic procedures.

Oga Sawyer Dey boasts of the camera, says I have up to seven procedures in one day, six days in a week. Thousands of pounds by appointment.

One of Di Wey Tok’s women says he doesn’t experience serious complications after receiving BBL liquid from Oga Sawyer Na Joanne. Mom of Dos Pikin del Sur de Wales, only wants his first name, travels seven hours to Essex to receive treatment.

She does not make ode cosmetic treatments and sees Ricky Sawyer many ads and guarantees of celebrities, Liquid BBL will not be a big step to her.

Everything he wants, he says, na “Peachy Bum”.

But Wen Joanne arrives, she begins to have doubts.

Joanne, who has fashionable gray hair and blue eyes, and wears a gray lanuda hat and a black coat, the camera is seriously seen on an empty Welsh beach at dusk
Wetin we call photo, JOANNE DEVELLS SEPSIS AFTA receives Liquid BBL from Ricky Sawyer

She says that only Democrat only sends her a postal code and she Waka enters an industrial heritage.

In the end, he finds a small door in a block of planes and Democrats who tell him to wait for a “small dirty corridor” for approximately half an hour.

“I guess turn and ran”, tok, “but I don’t pay the £ 600 deposit and travel all the way.”

Dem takes his room against Wia Na “just a bed, small and countertop stool,” and na day, he first meets Ricky Sawyer.

AFTA had the rest of her cash – £ 2,000 in total – she says she tells her to defend the front while she sits in the stool.

As you start injecting your ingenuity (1.8 pints), give pain quickly becomes unbearable.

“I felt dizzy, sick and as trembling. My legs do not even move correctly. And in a minute, I’m starting,” she says. “I remember saying that I look around and I have white gloves full of blood.”

By the end of the procedure, Joanne Dey with pain: “I have so much pain, my vain was not completely disfigured.”

She says she fit just sitting. When getting home, Di Swelling, does not start and just walk.

A Joanne's selfie at the hospital, with a cannula on the arm. She wears a navy blue t -shirt. White hospital bed sheets can be seen in part of the frame.
Wetin we call photo, Joanne ends for the hospital with sepsis after his bbl fluid

“I send a message to Ricky many times about how bad I feel and the worried.

By Dis Point, the sepsis Don Dey Happy.

“My temperature rises and I feel terrible,” Joanne Tok. “I call 999, because Sudo and Scream.”

For the hospital, Dem gives intravenous antibiotics. At one time, a surgeon is based on his butt to show that Wia De needs to cut, because the infection spreads so fast.

AFTA MESSAJING RICKY SAWYER says it is due to hospital sepsis, he says that the IM Instagram account block.

Fortunately, Joanne does not need operation.

Anoda of Sawyer’s clients, Louise Moller, needs emergency surgery that save lives.

Four days after BBL Liquid BBL receives for the IM Essex Clinic in October 2023, 28 -year -old DI of Bolton Land for Hospital.

She calls her mom, Janet, from Salford Royal A&E department, tok says: “Mom, I say I’m going to die.”

Louise Don Contract sepsis and the surgeon warn that he says he conforms to die at any time. To prevent DI infection from moving through his body, DEM cut the dead fabric of the area that almost covers his entire left butt.

Louise, a young woman with long and straight blond hair, posing at home with a white party dress and pink high heel shoes. She is holding a glass of white wine and standing next to a wall with gray stamped tapestry.

Wia Dis photo comes from, Janet Taylor

Wetin we call photo, Louise in happier times bifor di bbl procedure: now you need more operations

Janet promise her daughter says she stops so that they are not happy with Anoda Penin and denounces Ricky Sawyer to the local day police station for Bolton.

“How does it turn on? She tells Di BBC.

However, Louise Case highlights the difficulty in holding professionals as responsible.

Janet says that Bolton’s police tell him that Dem Go needs to pass the DI file to Essex Police, Wia Di Incident Hapun.

The prosecution is adjusted to the difficult one, however, he warns, because the signature of signature consent form.

BBC News Don approaches both the Greater Manchester police and the Essex police to obtain updates on the case of: both tok say that they depend on odes to do a di investigation.

Janet Taylor, ingenuity, long blond hair and blue eyes, wears pearl earrings, sits on the gray sofa in your living room, looking directly at the camera
Wetin we call photo, Janet Taylor says he is more determined to bring Ricky Sawyer to Justice

From the legal point of view, it does not conform to Wey De demo to prevent Sawyer from practicing.

Injecting dermal fillings n non -surgical procedure and is not regulated, and it means that anyone who adjusts to AM, and Demes do not stop.

AFTA SHE DIE, Save Face – One Group Wey Dey Campaign for greater regulation to cover non -surgical procedures – Call the new Wey Go Ban law to any of the Oda registered surgeons with the General Medical Council (GMC) to take Cabo BBLS Liquid.

The founder of Save Face, Ashton Collins, says that his organization Don receives complaints from 39 women about Ricky Sawyer.

All women say, they say, they say that DEM needs urgent hospital treatment to give procedure.

Each of the Democrats, she says, Dem Do BBL and suffers complications such as sepsis, necrosis and disfiguration.

“We do not encourage women to report day experiences to Di Police,” Tok. “Some do not report, and demo does any can.”

Until now, the most effective action of local authorities does not take, Na Tres of the Glasgow City Council, the EPPING Forest District Council and the Brentwood Council, for example, Confam are coming with the prohibition of the Health Law and the Law of security to protect public from serious injuries.

But “and only move to the Anoda area for Di Kontri and continue,” Collins Tok.

Ashton Collins, long blond hair, black lid, white necklace, sitting for your white office. Visible to the Logo Window of your Organization, Save Face.
Wetin we call photo, Save Face Funder, Ashton Collins, and campaign for the regulation of cosmetic surgery

We put our evidence to the Department of Social Health and Care, Dem Tok says that “looks urgently the options for a harder regulation.”

Dem tok say that our findings are “surprised” and Pipo Wey dem -catch what “medications without license, will feel all the strength of the law.”

We try to put our accusations to Ricky Sawyer in person, confronting AM for the IM East London clinic.

As soon as I see the camera, try to close the door, bifor and go hide for the door.

We ask I am if you break the law by delivering medications only with recipe, and if you ever tell women who said tok say dem, leave here with serious injuries, this need for emergency care.

“No”, E tok, and they tell us to do as as.

Say the dangers of unregulated cosmetic surgery should be taken much more seriously, Ashton Collins Tok.

“Di General Vibe, for example, silly women make silly decisions, and their own fault.”

Na attitude needs to change, she adds: “Pipo Dey is out of what is risked with Pipo’s lives, and demons I am not a punishment.”