
The mayor of Baltimore defends himself against attacks against the initiatives ofi with the ‘definitely cattle’ campaign

The mayor of Baltimore defends himself against attacks against the initiatives ofi with the ‘definitely cattle’ campaign

“The divisive approach on the left in the policies of Dei Socava decades of progress towards true equality,” said White House spokesman Harrison Fields, in a statement. “The Trump administration rejects this backward thought and will follow an agenda that elevates everyone with the opportunity to achieve American dream.”

Scott, 40, said in an interview with Associated Press who wants the month of black history to be an opportunity to clarify the record about Dei’s policies, which he considers to promulgate US values.

Here are extracts of that conversation:

Why, in his opinion, Trump and the Republicans blame Dei for government failures and work to eliminate it from government agencies?

Scott: “When we had a horrible tragedy here in Baltimore, we had a container ship running towards a bridge, and the bridge is completely knocked down, we lost six lives. The fact that immediately, instantly, you had some of these racists of the extreme right -wing saying that it is my fault: “It is the fault of the mayor, diversity, equity and inclusion caused this.” Well, let’s break down how ridiculous it is. One, the bridge was built before I was born. Two, when you look when that bridge was built here in Maryland, I can assure you that very few people who resemble me and very few people who were not white men worked in the construction of that bridge. Three, the ship that caused is not from this country, much less operated by a black person. “

“We know what they mean when they tell women. We know what it means when they tell the people of the LGBTQ+ “community.

“What these people unfortunately think that is that unless you are a heterosexual white man of a certain background, because I want my poor brothers and white sisters to understand that they are not talking about them either, unless you are from a certain background, Historical families rich with heterosexual white Christian men, so you should never be in a position of power and that your thoughts and opinions do not matter.

What do you think of Trump’s guilt of a recent plane and a helicopter accident in Dei?

Scott: “When you are in a moment of tragedy of that magnitude, it is assumed that leaders lead and say things as they are, not as we want them to be, not as a certain section of the country wants to know of us, not for an agenda. Leaders lead at that time. And it is unfortunate that we are arguing Dei when it comes to a horrible tragedy that caused dozens of people to lose their lives. “

How should supporters of diversity and black history respond to attacks on black history?

Scott: “You have to fight in each shape with each breath in your body until there is more breathing, no more blood in your body.”

“That is why I decided to make a ‘definitely cattle’ campaign as we passed through the month of black history, because we have to be bigger and more strong and stronger than ever. We can not allow that darkness to try to come and overcome Our light, because darkness cannot overcome light, only light can overcome darkness.

How do you see the campaign ‘Definitely won’?

Scott: “Usually, every month of black history, I usually have a video and then pass the month highlighting people. We are going to take that to the next level this year and we will really highlight people, obviously starting here in Baltimore, with an important role when it comes to black history in this country. We will notice that these people were not Dei, well, that they were Dei, but in the sense that they definitely won it. They won every thing they achieved because they were not given. We can show people what it really means when you have to work 10 times harder, when you have to work through systems that accumulate to fail, when you have to make sure you leave the door open for other people who come. Behind you. And in my case, Dei means properly chosen holder, but I definitely also won it.

“And we will continue to highlight those people throughout the month through each mode of communication we have. We are showing people who are now wondering: “Will the government continue to celebrate the month of black history?”, “Will everyone run and hide because they will not do it nationwide?” No, let’s do it, and we will be proud to do it. “