
Witnesses describe chaos and bloodshed in the worst massive shooting in Sweden

Witnesses describe chaos and bloodshed in the worst massive shooting in Sweden

Witnesses of the worst massive shooting in Sweden described the horror and panic that seized an adult education center west Stockholm when the armed man killed at least 10 people.

The gunman also died in the shooting on Tuesday, although it is not yet clear how.

Here are witnesses of the attack that also seriously injured at least five people and horrified the Scandinavian nation where armed violence in schools is very rare.

Sweden shot
A person ignites a candle in an improvised monument near the scene of a shooting on the outskirts of Obebro, Sweden (Sergei Grits/AP)

“Those were the worst hours of my life. I didn’t know if they would shoot me there and then, or in ten minutes. He simply waited, ”said the Expressen newspaper.

The report says that Mrs. Werme, three classmates and two teachers were about to start a lesson on how about 200 kilometers (125 miles) west of Stockholm.

“We thought it was a door blow. As, ‘Oh, sounds as if someone was angry, “said Mrs. Werme.

“Then my teacher shouted: ‘Close the doors and go down to the ground'”.

They crawled behind some hospital beds and lay there, without making noise.

People light the candles in an improvised memorial near the scene of a shooting on the outskirts of Obebro, Sweden
People turn on the candles in an improvised memorial near the scene of a shooting on the outskirts of Obebro, Sweden (Sergei Grits/AP)

“After that we listen to someone to shoot,” he said. ““ I didn’t know what was happening, I just ran. It was chaos in a few seconds. It was like a movie. All you can think is, ‘Why?’ “

Mrs. Essa was among the adult students of the school, which offers Swedish language classes for immigrants and vocational training for people with intellectual disabilities.

“I don’t want to come back. No now, ”he told the newspaper when he returned on Wednesday to light a candle for the victims.

“All I can think are the ones who died, I can’t think of anything else.”

BroadCaster TV4 interviewed a student who said he did first aid in a man who was shot in the shoulder.

Sweden shot
Emergency services work at the shooting scene at the Risbergska Campus School in Orebro, Sweden (Pontus Lundahl/TT news agency through AP)

“I was bleeding a lot. When I looked behind me, I saw three people in the floor bleeding. All were surprised. They said: ‘Sal! Salt! “” She said.

“My friend and I try to save this person’s life. People were very surprised. The police were not in the place and the ambulance either.

“So we had to help. I took my friend’s shawl and struck him around his shoulder so he wouldn’t bleed so much. “

Maestro Mattias Jansson said that the training he has received to deal with emergencies came into play when he heard shouts for people to evacuate.

“When we arrive at the emergency exit, we listen to the bangs,” Dagens Nyheter told the newspaper.

“These are things that have taught us, gathering and evacuating, they try to get as many people as possible.”